South Midlands Area of NAFAS
Teachers Profiles
NAFAS TEACHERS are qualified at Area and National level. NAFAS Teachers are available to teach floral design at Club and Area workshops. Some social workshops, organised by individual teachers, are open to non-club members. For those interested in gaining qualifications in Flower Arranging, please note Teachers profiles, College web site links, or visit
National Teachers
Mrs Jackie Page
Contact details.
Ring on: 01869 340 407
Mobile: 07779 396 325
Mrs Louisa Rigden
Contact details.
Ring on: 02476 466 169
Mobile: 07966 178 985
I love teaching and sharing my love of flowers with others. I have a NAFAS level 3 Diploma in Floral Design and a PGCE in teaching.
I am teaching the new NAFAS Individual Courses in Floral Art and Design, as well as my own personal classes. I love running workshops and seeing the variety of work that students create from the same brief
I’m happy to liaise with a club about their requirements for a workshop, whether beginner or advanced, or traditional or contemporary.
I became a National Teacher in 2020