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South Midlands Area of NAFAS

Speaker Profiles
NAFAS SPEAKERS are qualified at Area and National level. Qualification Tests for Area Speakers are held regularly within the Area. NAFAS Speakers can entertain at any kind of event. They delight audiences with light-hearted presentations on a wide variety of unusual and intriguing subjects, often allied to flowers and plants, and bring fascinating visual aids and fresh plant material to dress the stage.
Area Speakers
Mrs Margaret Rumens
Contact details
Ring on: 0121 705 4126
Mobile: 07831 376 818
Using PowerPoint, Margaret gives presentations on various subjects from organising a NAFAS National Show to staging an exhibit at Chelsea.
By researching archives, Margaret has given illustrated talks on request to the South Midlands Area and local flower clubs on their anniversaries, highlighting important people and events.
More details can be found on her website:

National Speakers
Mrs Simone Squire
Contact details
Ring on: 01327 342 167
Mobile: 07713 584 031
I passed my Area Speakers test in 2013, then went on to pass my National Speakers test in September 2015. My talks are illustrated for stage presentations but can also be adapted for after dinner talks.
Speaking in public allows me to share my interests with a wider audience.
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