South Midlands Area of NAFAS
About South Midlands NAFAS
Who are we
The South Midlands NAFAS Group was founded in 1962, therefore celebrating our 60th anniversary during 2022. After the division of the Midlands Area into North and South Areas, the South Midlands covers the West Midlands, Warwickshire, Gloucestershire, Northamptonshire and Leicestershire and is bordered by 6 other Areas of NAFAS.
Amongst our achievements, we have staged Flower Festivals in the Cathedrals of Birmingham, Coventry and Lichfield as well as in some of the lovely National Trust properties and Stately Homes in our Area.
Teams of our members have been honoured to represent NAFAS at the Chelsea Flower Show in 1978 and 2001 where they gained Silver Gilt and Gold Medals.
Many of our members have achieved individual success over the past years and we look forward to a future of more Fun and Friendship through Flowers.
What is NAFAS?
In 1959, flower arranging clubs and societies banded together and, with the support of the Royal Horticultural Society, formed the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies. NAFAS grew rapidly to encompass a national network of flower clubs and was granted charitable status in 1984. The Association has since been a unifying and guiding mainstay to thousands of men, women and juniors whose love of flowers has opened up a whole new world of creativity. Today, NAFAS ranks as one of the most notable specialist associations, with around 50,000 members across 21 areas in the UK.
Our Aims:
Encourage the love of flowers and plants and to demonstrate their decorative and creative value.
Advance education in all facets of flower arranging.
Instruct, train and qualify judges, demonstrators, speakers and teachers in order to raise the standard of flower arranging.
Support worthy causes and charities by organising exhibitions and competitions.
Encourage the conservation of rare and endangered species of flowers and plants.
Our 2024 Programme
Area Council Meeting dates (all meetings commence at 11am)
Wednesday, 17th January at Dunchurch Village Hall
Thursday, 21st March at Dunchurch Village Hall
Wednesday, 19thJune at Dunchurch Village Hall
Thursday, 19th September at Dunchurch Village Hall
AGM - Friday, 15th November 2024
(Please look at AGM section of website for more details)