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Woolscott Flower Club


We meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 7.00pm for 7.30pm

(except January, July and August)


Willoughby Village Hall, Main Street, just off the A45, between Rugby and DaventryCV23 8BH

Visitors and new members welcome


Visit us on Facebook - The Woolscott Flower Club

Visit us on Instagram - woolscottflowerclub

Chairman:                  Telephone: 

Email - 

Club Secretary: Amanda Burgess   Email -

2024 Programme

6th March

Floral Demonstration

Linda Smith (Area)

"Poles Apart"

10th April *

Tammy Kefford (Area)

* 1 week later than normal to avoid Easter break

"Spring into Spring"


(Miniature design to fit within 9" square)

1st May

Floral Demonstration

Shirley Henderson (Area)

"In the Frame"

5th June

Floral Demonstration

Nick Grounds (National)

"Stems and Stuff"

 4th September

Floral Demonstration

Jane Fox (Area)

"Bring Me Sunshine"


2nd October

Floral Demonstration

Mark Entwistle (Area)

"Botanical Art"

 COMPETITION - "Autumn Foliage"

 Using an unusual container

Rules: Any natural plant material to be used, just no flowers

6th November


Floral Demonstration

Jonathan Moseley (National)


Benn Hall 


Ticketed event

4th December

Andrew Lloyd (Area)

"A Christmas Wish"

COMPETITION - " A Christmas Wish"

2nd December

Christmas Workshop

Details to be confirmed


5th February


(7pm for 7.30pm)

Speaker TBA

Club Outings to be announced


News & Events

A little about us...

We meet in Willoughby Village Hall at 7.30 pm amidst a friendly, relaxing and cosy atmosphere.

Willoughby village is situated about 3 miles south east of Dunchurch just off the A45, and 6 miles from Rugby.

Our meetings usually consist of a demonstration, followed by an opportunity to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, have a chat with fellow members while taking a closer look at the arrangements which are raffled after the demonstration.

Visitors are very welcome at a cost of £5.00 per visit.

We are a lively and welcoming club and hold our own club competitions 3 times each year when members compete for several Club Trophies. Some of our members regularly win prizes at area and national competitions, and are lucky enough to have some demonstrators within our own membership.

We are proud of our well stocked sales table which is always filled with the latest merchandise at each of our meetings.

We look forward to welcoming you.

News & Events


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